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Brexit and British citizen’s in Norway
May-Liz Rasmussen13. November 2020 < 1 min read

British citizen and working in Norway?

The UK has left the EU and the agreed transition period expired 31 December 2020. If you are working in Norway, ensure you have official proof of residency when travelling to Norway.

This is what you need to do:

  • Register as a resident in Norway now
  • Be prepared to apply for the new residence permit when it’s introduced by UDI
  • Check your passport. You may need to renew your British passport. Passport
  • Check your driver licence. You might need an international driving permit. You will find more information here: Driving abroad

Also read: Brexit's impact on Norwegian corporations with UK management

Immigration rules for employees coming from outside EU/EEA

You must apply for residency permit as citizens of countries outside the EEA/EU. You can no longer use the special application procedure and type of residence permit as those who registered before 31 December 2020.

You can visit Norway for 90 days without a visa or residency permit, but you are not allowed to work without applying for a residency permit. The 90 days is during a 180-day period.

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May-Liz Rasmussen

May Liz's speciality is global mobility services and immigration law. She has wide experience assisting national and international clients in complying with their obligations when having activity/work in Norway. Especially residence permits (work permits) for skilled workers, evaluation of exemptions, reporting obligations, and tax returns for individuals.