Many Norwegian contractors and buyers are demanding subcontractors and suppliers to register with HMSREG. So, what is HMSREG and how do you register? As a subcontractor or supplier, you may or may not have heard of HMSREG. In this blog we will explain what it is, and what you need to do if a contractor requires you to register with the service.
Norwegian rules and regulations on transparency are becoming stricter. New legislations, such as the Norwegian Transparency Act, are increasing the importance to operate lawfully and ethically. As a result, many contractors are looking for ways to document the staff working conditions. Several contractors are turning to the electronic tool, HMSREG, for help.
What is HMSREG?
HMSREG is an electronic tool to help you register the crew and provide information on who is involved in the project at any given time. Norwegian contractors will also gain access to key information including whether the subcontractor follows laws and regulations, pays its taxes and fees, and if the staff has the right competence.
The purpose of the tool is to reduce employment-related crime and social dumping by increasing transparency regarding working conditions.
Also read: StartBANK registration and its benefits
HMSREG has partnered with private and public actors to deliver an integrated solution, offering a complete overview of how a company conducts its business. This information is only visible to the main contractor. Amongst other things, the main contractor can check HSE card status in real time, StartBANK status, and whether a subcontractor subscribes to CoBuilder Collaborate. This helps the contractor decide whether a subcontractor follows regulations, is qualified for the task, and has installed measures to deal with toxic waste.
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How do you sign up with HMSREG?
Subcontractors receive a link to sign in at the contractor`s request. Once signed in, the subcontractor can send a link its own subcontractors, enabling them to sign in as well. The subcontractor creates a company user that is stored for later projects with other main contractors. This way, it is only necessary submitting information once.
HMSREG includes a free API to integrate the tool with various access control systems, simplifying the crew registration process. In addition, staff can download the mobile application to take necessary courses and contribute to the registration process.
Registering with HMSREG might put you in a competitive advantage for receiving contracts in Norway. As with StartBANK, you show how you comply with rules and regulations, making you the easy choice for main contractors. In addition, it will make operations more efficient for future contracts. The tool is free of charge to subcontractors and suppliers.
We have experience assisting companies with their StartBANK registration and with taking advantage of other tools to succeed. We would love to have a non-binding discussion on how we can help your business moving forward.
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