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Why do you need proper business contracts
Henrik Moen - Lawyer18. July 2023 2 min read

The importance of thorough contract review in Norway.

When establishing a business in Norway, it is crucial for a foreign company to thoroughly review its contracts. If you don't have proper contracts in order, you risk misunderstandings. legal issues and penalties.  Let's take a look at the five most important reasons why you need to have your  contracts in order. 

1. Legal compliance

Every country has its own set of laws and regulations governing business activities. By reviewing contracts, a foreign company can ensure that its agreements align with Norwegian laws and comply with local regulations. This helps in avoiding potential legal issues and penalties. This is especially the case for contracts related to your employees, as the Working Environment Act of Norway might deviate from what is used in your home county.

2. Cultural and language differences

Norway has its own unique business culture, practices, and legal terminology. Reviewing contracts allows a foreign company to adapt its agreements to local customs and practices, ensuring effective communication and understanding between the parties involved. It also helps in avoiding any misunderstandings or misinterpretations due to language barriers.

Also read: Norwegian business culture

Guide: How to do business in Norway

Download guide and get a brief overview of what it takes to do business in Norway.

3. Contractual specifics

Contracts typically outline important details such as payment terms, delivery schedules, intellectual property rights, dispute resolution mechanisms, and termination clauses. By reviewing contracts, a foreign company can ensure that these specifics are accurately documented and align with its business objectives. It also provides an opportunity to negotiate favorable terms and conditions that suit the company's needs.

Also read: Norwegian employment contracts – do’s and don’ts

4. Risk mitigation

Reviewing contracts helps identify potential risks and liabilities associated with the business venture in Norway. It allows a foreign company to assess the extent of its obligations, liabilities, and indemnities, and take necessary steps to mitigate risks. This may include incorporating provisions for insurance, limitation of liability, or warranties to protect the company's interests.

5. Adherence to international standards

Norway, like many other countries, may have specific requirements related to product quality, safety standards, environmental regulations, and ethical considerations, relevant to the kind of business you may perform in Norway. By reviewing contracts, a foreign company can ensure that its operations and products align with these standards, thereby maintaining a positive reputation and complying with international best practices.

Overall, reviewing contracts when establishing a business in Norway helps a foreign company adapt to the local legal and business environment, mitigate risks, and establish mutually beneficial relationships with Norwegian partners, suppliers, and customers. It ensures legal compliance, minimizes misunderstandings, and safeguards the company's interests in the Norwegian market.

Magnus Legal routinely review contracts for our clients, alerting them of any possible red flags or discrepancies that are specific to Norway. This sort of preliminary assessment of a legal document with a different origin than Norway often proves beneficial, as it removes the risk of entering into agreements in Norway that are not legal here.

Also read: High quality written contracts reduce risks

Guide: How to do business in Norway

Download guide and get a brief overview of what it takes to do business in Norway.

Henrik Moen - Lawyer

Henrik works with general corporate law, and has a special interest for intellectual property rights. He also assists with questions concerning taxation, monetary claims and contracts. Henrik has a specialization in copyright, patent- and design law, and legal questions concerning trademarks. He wrote his master's thesis on how copyright and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) could be problematic in the near future.