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Norwegian tax rates 2023
Inger Lise Løvneseth - Lawyer & Partner5. January 2023 1 min read

Norwegian tax rates

The tax percent in Norway depend on the income and it is determined with basic income tax and bracket tax. Here are the tax rates in Norway for 2023.

All employees working in Norway will, as a general rule, be taxable to Norway. Exemptions may occur in the tax law or in a tax treaty. The income tax for 2023 is 22% of net income after deductions. 

If your gross income exceeds NOK 198 350 a year or gross NOK 16 529,20 a month, a progressive bracket tax is levied on top of the 22 % income tax. The tax rates for the bracket tax 2023 are: 


Annual income between

Tax rate


NOK 0 – 198 350


NOK 198 350 – 279 150


NOK 279 150 – 642 950


NOK 642 950 – 926 800



NOK 926 800 – 1 500 000


NOK 1 500 000 – and above



If you are not resident in Norway for tax purposes, the bracket limits are reduced according to number of months, i.e. if you are present in 5 months the bracket starts at NOK 82 646 (5/12, 16 529,20 x 5)

Please notice that special tax rules apply for persons living in the county Troms and Finnmark.

In addition to the income tax, employees working in Norway are obligated to pay national insurance contribution to Norway. For the income year  2023 the rate is 7,9 %. Exemptions can be found in the Act. 

Need help with your Norwegian Tax Return?

Contact us and get the help you need. Quickly and practically.




Inger Lise Løvneseth - Lawyer & Partner

Inger Lise works with international tax law and accounting. She is a qualified accountant and authorized legal practitioner. Her specialty is international personal taxation and tax for foreign and international companies. She has solid expertise in advising Norwegian and foreign companies about the movement of labour across borders, VAT representation and optimization of international tax matters for individuals and companies. Inger Lise has worked with international taxation since 1995, including for the Central Office for Foreign Affairs. Inger Lise was general manager and senior tax consultant in Advanced Solutions from June 2005 and until she joined Magnus Legal in January 2015. In 2021 Inger Lise was successfully chosen as International Tax Law award winner in Norway, by IAE group (International Advisory Experts).