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work safety and hse card
Christian Lyngholm Fjeldsøe - Lawyer29. May 2024 3 min read

What is an HSE card?

Are you managing workers engaged in construction, assembly, or installation projects in Norway? If so, you may need to obtain mandatory HSE cards for your workforce. Discover more about what an HSE card is and the significance of such cards and related topics in this blog post.

What is an HSE card?

An HSE card, which stands for Health, Safety, and Environment card, serves as an important identification document for workers on construction and building sites in Norway. In many situations required by Norwegian law, these cards offer authorities and clients a comprehensive overview of who is present on-site and their respective employers. The primary objective of an HSE card is to strengthen security, combat social dumping, and deter illicit work practices.

Also read: Why are ID cards necessary at building and construction sites?

What is valid ID for obtaining an HSE Card?

The process of obtaining an HSE card involves several steps to ensure compliance with Norwegian regulations, which include registering the business in Norway and reporting the contract and workers to Norwegian tax authorities. Throughout this process, valid identification documents play a crucial role. In most cases, a valid passport or national identity card serves as the only acceptable identification document.

Additionally, a valid Norwegian personal identification number (or D-number) and a verified digital identity (e.g., MinID, BankID, Buypass ID, or Commfides) are required to access the HSE card ordering portal for ordering the HSE cards.

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When is an HSE card required?

The requirement for an HSE card typically arises when working at construction or building sites in Norway. However, the threshold for what constitutes a construction or building site can be relatively low. Even the assembly or installation of certain structures or machinery can trigger the need for HSE cards. As such, it is essential for all enterprises operating in Norway, including foreign contractors, to thoroughly assess the need for their workers to possess HSE cards.

Additionally, many contracts for assignments in Norway stipulate the necessity of HSE cards. Failure to comply with legal or contractual requirements for HSE cards may result in access denial to the site, potentially causing delays and contractual or commercial repercussions for the employer.

How long does it take to obtain an HSE card?

The overall timeline for obtaining HSE cards may vary. In addition to the above-mentioned steps, the timeframe also depends on other factors, such as the completeness of documentation, processing times with Norwegian authorities, and potential delays in meeting requirements. Foreign companies should initiate the application process as early as possible to mitigate potential delays and ensure timely compliance with Norwegian regulations.

For how long is an HSE card valid?

An HSE card is typically issued for two years. However, it remains valid only for the duration of the employee's employment in Norway. If the employment ceases or if the worker is no longer associated with the company, the card becomes invalid. Additionally, the card will be deactivated if the company is no longer registered in the necessary registries.


As an employer in the Norwegian construction industry, prioritizing HSE card compliance is crucial. By ensuring your employees have valid HSE cards, you contribute to a safer, more secure, and socially responsible work environment while upholding your legal obligations and fostering a positive reputation for your company.

If you are planning to engage employees in Norway for your business activities and need assistance or have any questions about HSE cards, feel free to contact us.

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Christian Lyngholm Fjeldsøe - Lawyer

Christian’s specialty is tax law. He has experience working with international tax law for foreign companies with activity in Norway and Norwegians with periods of work abroad. In addition, he works with various fields of law including social security law, and residence permits. In particular, he has experience with residence and work permits for skilled workers. Christian joined Magnus Legal in 2014 after working with international taxation in Advanced Solutions AS. Christian has written a master's thesis entitled “Taxation upon exit of intangible assets under the Taxation Act Section 9-14: with an EEA-based analysis”.