Do you have employees who performed work in Norway in 2023? Don’t forget the annual wage report.All employers must provide an annual wage report to each employee or income recipient. Be sure to get your annual wage report sent by 1 February.
All employers and others who disburse salaries, pensions, and other remunerations must provide a yearly summary of reported information to each employee or income recipient.
The deadline for the annual wage report for work performed in Norway during 2022 is 1 February 2023.
A-report (A-melding)
Employers and others who pay salaries, etc. must report information to the Tax Administration monthly by submitting the new a-report.
Employees and other income recipients should receive an annual summary of salary, benefits, reimbursements and pensions. Employers must prepare this summary for each individual. Note that the summary only needs to be sent to the employees. It is not necessary to send it to the tax authorities. The deadline for the annual wage report to the employees is within 1 February the year following the income year.
Also read: All you need to know about the Norwegian tax report system – A-melding
Mandatory information
The annual wage report should, as a minimum, contain the following information:
- the total reported income (salaries, payments, remunerations)
- the total basis for holiday pay
- the total reported tax deduction
- employee number or other information used to identify the income recipient in the payroll systems. D-number can also be included.
- Total days in Norway, or length of the employment period in Norway.
- Specification of whether the income is with or without national insurance
Note that for charitable and non-profit organizations, special rules apply.
The annual wage report, has no legal requirements with regards to the layout. As long as the mandatory information is included, it is up to each employer to decide the format of the summary.
Also read: Do the right things when doing business in Norway
Correct information
The information on the employees’ pre-filled returns is based on the information in the annual wage report. It is therefore of great importance that employees contact their employer if they discover any errors in their annual wage report. The errors may then be corrected before the information goes into the tax return.
Note: If you have changed information in the A-melding (employment and income report) after sending the summary to the income recipient, you must also provide the income recipient with a new, updated summary.
Also read: Employee rights in Norway
There are a few cases where the employer is exempted from submitting the annual report to the employees. Employers do not need to submit such information if:
- they submit the declaration of paid work at home where a private individual is the employer
- they submit simplified a-melding for charitable or non-profit organizations
For companies doing business in Norway, Magnus Legal can help with Norwegian compliance, formalities and reporting responsibilities.
Originally published January 2018. Newest update: January 2024.