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Martin Wikborg - Partner

Martin’s main areas of expertise are tax law and business law. He has extensive experience advising Norwegian and foreign companies on cross-border establishment, restructuring and transactions. He also assists with tax audits. Martin came to Magnus Legal in 2013. He specializes in international corporate and personal tax after working with tax law for more than 25 years, including in Ernst & Young and the Norwegian Ministry of Finance.

Blog Post by Martin Wikborg - Partner

Martin Wikborg - Partner10. April 2024

This is the Norwegian exit tax

Norway has for some years had so called exit tax rules that is triggered when a Norwegian individual tax resident emigrates from Norway with a latent capital ...
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Martin Wikborg - Partner12. December 2023

Corporate tax in Norway - The basics for non-Norwegian enterprises

The basic rule is that all Norwegian companies and foreign enterprises conducting business activities in Norway are subject to Norwegian corporate tax.In this ...
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Martin Wikborg - Partner5. April 2023

How to plan taxes and avoid Norwegian net wealth tax

To pay Norwegian tax every year of around 1% of the global net wealth – including on the home, cars, shares, bank savings, etc. situated outside Norway – may ...
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Martin Wikborg - Partner12. January 2023

Do the right things when doing business in Norway

Foreign multinational companies doing business in Norway must be aware of the multitude of obligations they must comply with, and the basic of Norwegian ...
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Martin Wikborg - Partner20. October 2022

Norway – Tax proposals in the National budget 2023

On October 6, 2022, the Norwegian Government proposed several tax rules in connection with the presentation of the national budget for 2023.
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Martin Wikborg - Partner11. August 2022

How to choose the right corporate structure in Norway

Foreign multinationals that wish to expand their activities to Norway must consider which kind of legal entity and corporate structure they should use. The ...
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Martin Wikborg - Partner26. August 2021

Business in Norway: Tax audit

The Norwegian tax office frequently conducts tax audits. You should therefore not be surprised if this hits you or your company. Our advice is to not panic and ...
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