Transfer pricing: Deciding factors when choosing a method.
Preparing transfer pricing documentation is often demanding. Questions arise about which method should be chosen when the price for the transaction is to be ...
Tax amnesty in Norway
Voluntary correction, known as a tax amnesty, is when you correct or complete information which hasn't previously been submitted or used in assessments, so ...
How to maximize working hours in Norway based on a fixed average
In Norway, the maximum working hours an employee can work is strict and it is you, the employer, who are responsible for following these regulations. So, what ...
The Norwegian Transparency Act and Due Diligence
In July 2022 the Norwegian Transparency Act came into effect, requiring all “larger enterprises”, as defined by the Act, operating in Norway to publish a ...
Pension in Norway – pension from the National Insurance Scheme
Have you been working in Norway, paid Norwegian National Insurance and are uncertain if you are entitled to any Norwegian pension? And if so, how do you ...
Changes in the Companies Act
The Parliament has approved amendments to the Companies Act aimed at streamlining, enhancing efficiency, and alleviating the burden on corporations. On June ...
This is Norwegian Wealth Tax
Norway is one of the very few countries that imposes taxes on your net wealth. All individuals who are tax residents in Norway are liable to pay tax here on ...
Composition of boards in Norwegian companies
Today, only two out of ten board members in private companies are women. The issue of gender representation in the boards of joint-stock companies has been a ...
StartBANK registration and its benefits
Foreign suppliers looking for new assignments in the Norwegian construction industry may find it hard to get the word about their business out in the Norwegian ...
The importance of thorough contract review in Norway.
When establishing a business in Norway, it is crucial for a foreign company to thoroughly review its contracts. If you don't have proper contracts in order, ...
What is HMSREG?
Many Norwegian contractors and buyers are demanding subcontractors and suppliers to register with HMSREG. So, what is HMSREG and how do you register? As a ...
Expats in Norway: Navigating net salary arrangements with Hypotax
Work assignments across borders are common, but it can be a problem to recruit personnel with the right qualifications for positions abroad. One reason may be ...